(tangential, axial, radial)
We provide the best quality thread rolls at the lowest prices & quickest deliveries in the industry. We take pride on delivering all the best to our clients, and are constantly striving to meet your needs. The following products & services are offered:
- Since 1956, we have been designing & manufacturing precision thread rolls for all known attachments, holders, and heads, serving the screw machine industry worldwide. This technical experience allows us to provide the best possible precision tools available.
- Extensive INVENTORY, ready for immediate shipment.
- BUY DIRECT & SAVE for THE LOWEST PRICES in the industry.
- EXPEDITED DELIVERY is available for your hot jobs. Our standard deliveries are the fastest in the industry.
- Friendly SERVICES for your challenging problems.

a) thread size
b) right or left hand thread on piece part
c) pitch diameter being rolled
d) holder (attachment) being used
e) style (e.g. TC1, TC2, TK2, TQ2, etc.) View THREAD ROLLS STYLES
f) working face or length of thread
g) stock/shoulder diameter
h) chamfer (45, 30, 60 degree or other)
i) if ordering bump rolls, specify hole diameter and overall width
j) if ordering pipe rolls, specify NPT, NPTF, PTF, NPSM, etc.
k) if ordering axial rolls, specify thread lead-in (1L or 2L)
l) material being rolled
m) special markings, if applicable
n) quantity
o) provide print & indicate cutoff side